You give a little cough, conveying just enough to emphasise that you are in fact, a living thing, and that you would really like to actually talk at some point. If you could, if you’re not too busy or whatever.
The stallion doesn’t look at you, but he does eventually talk.
>“I know you’re there, jus’…”
“Uh, hi! I’m Sierra, we were in that Stable place and, y’know…”
>“I know who you are, you’ve said a couple o’ times.” He sighs deeply. “I’m… Wander. It’s nice to know you’re still alive.”
“Yeah, about that…”
You ask him a few questions about what happened during all those times you were knocked out. He answers in brief sentences with a pretty monotone voice.
Turns out he managed to pull your makeshift cart just far enough to get to a little cave and went looking for medical supplies, and ended up finding the Stable.
After the little ghoul incident he managed to pull both you and a pegasus from the cave far enough to the nearest settlement. In the snow no less!
You praise him on his endurance.
He doesn’t say anything in return.
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