
In case anyone was wondering what it looked like when I made a puppet without an ample supply of reference.
This is my first attempt at a movie style puppet, built in entirely in Flash, not Toonboom, and referenced only off of images from the first trailer. Here’s a list of what basically goes wrong:  
-Parts are off scale  
-Colors are off  
-Shading is off (completely guessed at this point. The white outlines you are seeing around Twilight are the edges of the movie clips symbols used in the shading process.)  
-Details are off (I traced that back leg off an image magnified around 300%. The blink cycle was mostly guess work as well)  
-Animation isn’t going to be correct (but that was going to be a given either way)  
-And of course, missing nested frames for arms, eyes, eyebrows, and don’t forget everything that is lip sync. As of now these ponies are mute and possible animation is limited.
Still eagerly awaiting another trailer so I can fix a bunch of this!



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