Parents: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie (adoptive)
Gender: Female, She/Her
Species: Pegasus
Nickname(s): Storm, Stormy, SC
Personality: Bold, brash, belongs in the trash and a little egotistical, Stormcloud takes after Rainbow a bit too much for someone who wasn’t raised by her. She’s reckless, gets herself into trouble easily, and loves pranks. That’s not to say she doesn’t take after Twilight at all, though, and she actually takes after her a fair bit. She’s pretty booksmart but not incredibly streetsmart, needs everything to be absolutely perfect, and has a tendency to assume the worst. Unlike Twi, though, she’s much better at rolling with the punches instead of freaking out when the worst does actually happen. She gets it from Pinkie, really.
Storm pretty accurately fills the “rebellious teenager” role, and this is mostly due to the fact that she is absolutely terrible at communicating her real feelings about anything. It takes a lot to get her to admit anything, and it’s not really aided by the fact that usually not even Storm herself really knows what she’s feeling. She’s never really been good dealing with emotions and is pretty easily frustrated, though she hides it well when she’s under pressure. Storm longs to be able to express herself clearly but she feels like there’s not really anyone who would listen to her if she actually could. Making friends is a bit of a nightmare for Storm, and at the end of the day she would really rather not.
Stormcloud is terrified by her future, since she realizes she’s got a lot to live up to. Not only are both of her mothers elements of harmony, one of them is the freaking princess of friendship. To avoid this, she’ll end up shirking any responsibilities and she’ll try and set everypony’s expectations low. She thinks that if they never expect anything from her, she can never really disappoint them. In her heart she knows how flawed her logic is, but she would rather keep thinking it than try and fix what she’s already done.
Relations: Stormcloud has always had a pretty strained relationship with Twilight. Twi always had issues connecting with Storm, partially because she reminded her so much of Rainbow Dash, which would often lead to her distancing herself from Storm as well as babying her when she did something dangerous. This pretty much convinced Storm that Twi would never be able to trust her to make her own decisions. Twi is absolutely terrified that Storm thinks she’s an overbearing mother. She has no idea that Storm thinks she absolutely is. Twi also wants to tell Storm about Rainbow Dash but is afraid that telling her will make Storm resent her. This grates on their relationship as well, since Storm feels like Twi keeps secrets from her.
Storm has a much closer and healthier relationship with Pinkie, and Storm usually finds that talking to her can be almost therapeutic. She’s the only pony that Storm will accept or openly ask for physical affection from, and it is absolutely needed since underneath her tough exterior Storm is a giant crybaby. Pinkie is pretty deeply worried for her adoptive daughter but she tries her best to never be overbearing, not wanting to lose the connection she has with her.
Storm and Cyclone get along fairly well for siblings, and Storm is pretty good at roping her into pranks that’ll probably get her into big trouble later. Storm is a pretty big fan of how she gets to do all the talking, which annoys Cyclone but she can’t exactly say anything about it. Cyclone actually does enjoy spending time with her older sister, though, even though Storm’s vehement attention to detail and perfectionism can drive her up a wall.