Well, this day had finally come. Her little filly was growing up and getting married. It had gone by so fast! Before she knew it, they’d be at the real thing instead of just a rehearsal.
She was happy for her baby, but she couldn’t help but feel super awkward around the other guests. Apple farmers, prissy unicorn elites…and Firework. She felt pretty out of place in this crowd. Thank Celestia Jewel and the kids were there.
Storm had taken the seat reserved for her and found herself sitting across from a pink, prissy-looking unicorn. She cleared her throat and tried to make conversation.
“So…you’re Rose’s mom?”
“Indeed. My name is Primevère Ciel Clair, but most call me Primrose. I believe I have heard of you in passing from Rose. Storm, correct?”
“Yep! That’s me!” Storm nodded and grinned awkwardly. “I’m Starflower’s mom.”
Primrose looked over to the head table, where the two soon-to-be brides were feeding each other playfully. She sighed. “Seems only yesterday you were cradling them in your arms, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Storm smiled. “I wouldn’t trade ‘em for the world.“
“They certainly add a spark to any life. She isn’t your only is she?”
Storm shook her head and gestured towards her family. “Nope! I’ve also got Skydancer and Emmy. And she has a brother and sister from her dad.” She turned back to Prim. “Is Rose your only?”
“No,” Primrose shook her head. “My eldest daughter is Wind Flash. She is busy with a court case at the moment, but promised to be here on the actual date. She’s a bit of a workaholic.”
“Well, sounds like she’s dedicated to her job. Responsible too. I’d admire that in anypony.”
“She’s a good girl. Glad she inherited some positive traits from her father.”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Storm asked. “Discovery seems like a pretty nice guy from what I’ve seen. Smart too. I can see why that would rub off on her.”
“If only that were the case.” Primrose sighed. “Wind Flash was the result of a failed relationship during my teenage years. Her father was the type to never lift a wing to clean up his messes. Luckily, all she seemed to gain from him was looks.”
“Jeez, does that sound familiar,” Storm snarked under her breath. “I feel ya, girl. I really do. I’ve been in the same horseshoes.”
“Really?” Primrose squinted at her closer. “You do appear quite young to have a daughter the age of Starflower.”
“Yeah…long story. Let’s just say her dad and I were really dumb kids.” She mumbled under her breath, “And he never grew out of it.”
“Some stallions never do.” Primrose pondered. “I hear rumors of him nowadays, with a big family and a wife. I’ve even heard from some that he’s widowed. But I wonder if he ever thinks of the daughter he made no effort to see…”
“If he’s like you described, probably not,” Storm clicked her tongue. “It’s a shame. At least Firework made some kind of an effort, even if he sucked at it. That’s Starflower’s dad, by the way.”
“Firework…the name seems…familiar.” The unicorn’s eyes suddenly widened. “What other family does that stallion have?”
Storm thought for a moment. “Well, his parents were Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Both Wonderbolts. His husband’s Dusk Star, that diplomatic relations guy. His sister’s dead, but he does have a brother, Lightning Bolt.”
Primrose‘s mouth dropped open. “Sacre bleu! I do believe that your eldest children and mine are related. Lightning Bolt…I’d never forget that name.”
“HIM? No way!” Storm exclaimed. “I never would have guessed. He’s always been a huge stick in the mud.”
Primrose sniffed snootily. “Perhaps now, but when I knew him, he played up the whole mauvais garçon, or bad boy style, with his slicked hair and leather jacket…”
“Gosh, he sounds like he was a total douche. Now I know where Firework and his friends get it from.” Storm took a glance at another table over Prim’s shoulder. “Funny, whenever I see him he’s nagging Firework about being more responsible. And he can’t even take responsibility for his own kid?”
“Hypocrite…” The white mare jolted, “Wait, he’s not here is he? Monsieur Bolt, I mean?”
“He is! You didn’t see him?” She pointed to a table across the room. “He’s over there moaning or something. Like he always does.”
With a groan herself, Primrose pulled out a pair of rather thick glasses and put them on. She glanced across the room and caught the stallion’s eye. A single glare sent his head slumping into the table.
“Well, I’ve seen him and now he’s seen me,” Primrose said haughtily.
Storm started cackling. “Ha! Good one!”
Primrose couldn’t hold back her own chuckles. “One does not live their entire life in Canterlot and not learn how to put others in their place.”
“I believe it! You showed him!” Storm held out her hoof for a hoofbump. “You’re pretty badass, Primrose. I’ve only just met you, but you really know how to hold your own. I admire that.”
Blinking a moment, Primrose smiled and clopped her horseshoe to Storm’s hoof. “You likewise seem to be an intelligent mare miss storm. I’m glad to be acquainted with you.” The unicorn hovered her glass of cider toward her. “To new friendships?”
Storm took her own glass and held it up for a toast. “To new friendships!”
“Is she still looking at me?” Lightning mumbled into the tablecloth.
“Who?” Firework asked. “That chick with Storm? What’s her problem?”
“Ugh…Firework, just tell me she’s not looking at me anymore.”
“Nah. She and Storm are just giggling like schoolfillies. Girls, y’know?”