Easy - Deflect Meadowbrook’s weapons 10 times.
Standard - Deflect Meadowbrook’s weapons 10 times.
Hard - Deflect Meadowbrook’s weapons 10 times.
Summary: Somnambula starts training, but she figures that she can’t do it all by herself. So, she went to her other teammate, Meadowbrook.
Somnambula: Meadowbrook, please, if you don’t mind, can you help me with my training?
Meadowbrook: Somnambula, what are you exactly training for?
Somnambula: I must master the new move that I plan on using later. If I don’t do it perfect, I’ll might lose, so I have to do it correctly.
Meadowbrook: Okay, Somnambula, though I would’ve been with Flash Magnus training with him. I’ll help you with your training.
Somnambula: Alright then. Let’s go.
Somnambula: Yes! I don’t have a single scratch on me. Looks like I’m going to be a lot stronger for Prince Hasan.
Meadowbrook: You did very well, Somnambula. I bet Starswirl would be happy to see that your training went very good for the record, don’t you think?
Meadowbrook: What’s wrong, Somnambula? This isn’t like you at all.