“What in tarnation jus’ happened?”
Everything began to clear up. She was beginning to see things now that her head stopped feeling like it it was sinking and spinning. Shaking her head some, she looked around and - KHA-THOOM! Any grogginess that remained was suddenly shaken from Applejack’s mind by the deafening boom and strong tremor that erupted from behind her! The powerful displacement of wind slammed into her! It was all she could do to not be sent off balance and landing on her face. THOOM
Another boom, another tremor, not as powerful as before, but it was still loud, and unnerving. Applejack barely had time to think or contemplate before yet again - THOOM
This was was definitely louder, and stronger than the previous tremor! But this time, a unfathomably massive shadow began to stretch over her and beyond her. As if something had blocked out the sun itself! THOOM!
A third tremor! Even louder and stronger still! It was felt so close that Applejack was paralyzed in fear! It had all happened so fast that she dare not turn around! Then came a thundering and booming voice! A familiarly raspy voice! Only louder. So much louder! There a malicious, yet playful tone to that deafening, commanding voice.
There wasn’t a doubt in Applejack’s terrified mind! Rainbow Dash had snuck something into her cider! For a prank or something else, she didn’t know! And as of right now, it didn’t matter, she was powerless. Completely at Rainbow Dash’s mercy! All she could hope for was that eventually she’d be returned to normal, but for not, she had no choice, but to play along with what ever the colossal cyan Pegasus wanted!