The first official post will come shortly and, the success of her adventures, and this blog in general is riding on you, the readers.
(Almost) Every post will have a section below it with options for you, the reader to choose from. All you have to do is type the number with the path you want the story to take.
You control the direction this story goes, and myself and Pencilbrony, A.K.A. Hotkoin will bring the story and choices to life. So don’t be shy, we need your input to succeed!
This is a new adventure for me and I hope that the community here on Derpibooru will support her adventures. I will also be uploading this to Tumblr and voting will happen there as well.
Feel free to vote once as a comment on each website and, if you’re really excited to see a certain direction be chosen, a reblog on Tumblr counts as a separate vote meaning you can have 3!
Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy the ride!