
An idea for a character I’ve had for a while, and finally got around to drawing. Here we have Disco Inferno, son of Pinkie Pie and …noone really knows, except Pinkie who refuses to tell anyone. Disco’s obviously a mule, so everyone assumes the father has to be a donkey, but … half-pegasus. The Pie-family hasn’t ever had any pegasi in it, as far as anyone knows, so there’s nowhere for those genes to come from. Pinkie explains it as the dad being a pegaus-mule, which most scoffs at, since everyone knows male mules can’t have children. Very very rarely, female mules have had foals, but never male mules, it’s impossible.
Those who knows Pinkie mostly goes “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

His full name is actually Discornelius Dante Pie, but he followed his mother’s example, and shortened it to a more managable size. His special talent is parties, though more focused on dance parties than the type Pinkie prefers. Unsiprisingly, he really like discos, but he has a strong preference for raves. He loves light-shows and glow-sticks, and often wears them as bracelets and earrings.
He seems to spend most of his time attending parties, going to night-clubs and mooching of his friends for places to sleep and food to eat, rather than actually planning any parties. Or doing any work really. He’s completely broke. Well, he does pay his friends back, sort of, by making sure they’re invited to any events they want to go to/he feels they would benefit from, and sometimes setting friends up with eachother if he thinks they go well together. He seems to know practically everyone, and he’s scarily good at never asking for dinner or to stay the night if you’re having a bad day or can’t afford it or something like that. It’s almost as if he has some kind of sixth sense for how people are feeling, and knows when he can ask for favours without annoying anyone.
Pinikie Pie kind of wishes he’d be a bit more interesting in doing something with himself, and not just party through life. But after a few heated arguments and cold silences between them, she’s decided that as long as he’s happy and not harming anyone, she’ll just have to let him be and decide for himself what he should do. She has begun to notice that he’s getting very popular to have at parties, to the point of ponies paying him to show up just so they could say he was there, so maybe that’s something he could build on…?

Also, Disco, what do you think you’re doing? Don’t carry that in your mouth, it’s full of toxic fluid and broken glass! I know it’s inside a stick right now, but I’ve seen you ponies chew through rocks.


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