Parents: Twilight x Sunburst
Gender : Female
Species : Unicorn
Body Type : normal heigth, healthy
Special Talent : High magic performing
Job : Princess of Friendship and Magic
Likes : Reading, organizing, relaxing, books, sweets, thoughts of having wings
Home : PonyVille, Twilights castle
Bio :
Star is a optimistic and stress free mare, she enjoys the company of her friends as well as just spending some time reading. Her fur is coated with a few feathers due to her mother’s pegasi genetics but she turned out as a Unicorn despite how her cousin turned out (Flurry), Star’s magic level is one of the highest recorded up there with Twilight and Starsworld which despite her more chill personality ponies doubt.
Her relationship with her mother is well as she helps calm Twilight is she is stressed or overworked with her duties. Sunburst acts uncomfortable towards his daughter and doesn’t seem to know what to do but he still tries his best. Eclipse is a more moody and angsty pony, but being his sister she tries her best to plan out events to try and cheer him up, due to his expressions and actions she is unsure of the thoughts that her brother thinks of her.