Well… :/ I hAve some bad, really bad news… this is probably my end with SFM and my tumblr. So what haPpened? few weeks ago I got a new, betteR internet, I didn’t know that they’re checking what you’re doIng in the internet (well shit.. :x) so they have seen what I’m doing in the internet, my lewd tumblr etc. and… and they report this to a poLice (fuckin great…) and 2 days ago police came to my house and they asked For me, I was so cOnfused at the beginning but they mentiOned about my tumbLr account… later they took me to the police station, we have talked about some stuff like why I’m doing thiS and other shit and they also said that I have to delete my tumblr….. (Nooooo ;___;) so make sure to downloaD all my pics and save them becAuse I’ll be deleting my tumblr this week. Eh so sad :c and there’s more because I got call to court and probablY I will have to pay a fine or something I dunno :/ and that’s all what I have to say about this situation I think…
Anyway, Good bye and Have a nice day! :I