>She looks unconvinced, but poised to make her way home.
>“Alright, just remember 5 or 6”
>She’s coming over a bit earlier, that’s fine, she is worried about you.
>“O-ok, see ya then”
>“See ya” She starts trotting down the street, and you watch her a while before you start your walk home.
>You walk through the crowds towards your apartment thinking about what just happened.
>maybe it wasn’t his mother, but some random mare.
>But then why would she pat him on the head like that? that isn’t something ponies just do… is it?
>Maybe… social etiquette wasn’t something you were all too familiar with.
>However there was also this strange feeling.
>It was a strange feeling of not belonging, not the usual social misfit kind you were used to but more like…
>Being in the woods at midnight?
>hmm… not quite that…
>Like… a kid home alone at night without a baby sitter?
>No, it was like those things but more intense.
>Or was it more broader then that?
>You can’t even really figure out what you are feeling right now.
>the only thing you’re sure of, is you are worried.
>Hold on, something else isn’t right.
>You left your earbuds at home and yet it’s rather quiet for such a big city.
>Normally you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself think without your earbuds and yet…
>You look around.
>There are crowds but substantially less than usual.
>There is still quite a large number of ponies in the streets but nowhere near the usual crowds.
>Was there some big event you weren’t aware of?
>Did those six ponies save Equestria again and hold a big parade or party?
>Maybe… That’s the only logical conclusion you can come to.
>But finding out for sure would require talking to some random pony and that is far beyond your capacity right now.
>You keep walking trying to shake this odd feeling.
>As you turn the corner you feel as if you have walked into another room.
>You look around to see the crowds have diminished once more.
>To about less then one third the usual crowds
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