
Separated from each other with a few alternative universes and 200 years of history, Golden Sky, a friendly male weather pony and an adventure stories writer from Cloudsdale who lives in Ponyville and often has his head in the clouds, and Golden Bullet, a brave and bold, reckless and slightly vulgar female wastelander, could have never known about each other’s existance. But thanks to the Lutece Twins from Bioshcok Infinite and their experiments in the field of the quantum physics these two ponies (who are, in fact, the same one pony) got a chance to start their epic adventures through the multiverse! But to succeed in their mission they have to learn how to deal with differences in each other’s upbringing and life priorities: the only serious obstacle on their way. Or not the only one?
Heads or Tails? A male or a female? Light-hearted Equestria or Fallout Equestria?
Guys, I have great news! From now on I’ll have my own pony OCs’ Source Filmmaker models: Golden Sky and Golden Bullet!)) Both are basically the same one pony OC but I created Golden Sky character a few weeks before I decided I should also have his R63 version named Golden Bullet. Well, I think you got the idea about their characters from this extract tn the beginning. DeviantArt user ‘koni-126’ made these SFM models for me! He’s also done A LOT of amazing SFM pony OCs. Check out his page!  
OMG, how I like them both! xD Gonna use both OCs a lot in the future!


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