And what have I done? Things I regret. I blogged against her in the past.. I said mean things, and tried to join the ‘crowd’ of her haters, because we had one dispute, and I retaliated further. I was an outright bitch to her and even after we’ve made up and became friends, I really don’t deserve all the helps and kindness she’s given and yet she still gives it, and I’m undoubtedly grateful.
And before you go on “But she-” “The blogs say–”. Let me tell you something about those damn blogs. I was in the chat of those blogs. I sat there as a spy, yet still friendly and getting a long with them. Only ONCE did anyone say “Sorry for your loss” at what I was going through, and my grandmother hand’t even died yet. I vented, I talked about what was going on, I tried to be of help to others while having issues for myself, and no one every spoke up with advice, offered comfort, or a damn thing. All they did was sit around complaining about internet people, Sin, youtube videos, and anything that didn’t fit into their small little world view of ‘equality through oppression. If you didn’t agree with their opinions? Well you may as well not be human! You didn’t deserve any help in a time of need. Because OMG you had a differing opinion. I’ve talked to both Sin and the blog owners, I’ve been on both sides, and I’ll say now, the first side I was on was the stupidest choice to ever make. Those people don’t care about you. They don’t care about anyone except people of their own type. And that’s why they hate on Sin. I wasn’t happy in that chat… I wasn’t welcome in that chat. I was tolerated and complained about daily of being a ‘know it all’ when just trying to help, explain, or clarify something I said…. the people in those chat and hate blogs are outright pricks.She doesn’t deserve the hate. And I thank her for standing by me in this time of trials and tribulation. I don’t think I would have gotten through the day very well without her.
Ember Bright (C) Me
Sinamuna (C) Sinamuna