C: “Melly? How was school?”
PM: “Ah ain’t goin’ back! Them other ponies been pickin’ on mah family! One of ‘em said you an’ Ma’re a coupl’a no-good fa-”
C: “Please, Melly, calm down. How long has this been happening?”
PM: “F’rever! An’ Ah ain’t even in kinnergarten! Ah beat a filly up fer trashin’ on Ma’s work. She said rocks were better th’n apples, c’n y’all believe it?”
C: (under her breath) “You are your Ma’s daughter…” sighs and rubs her temples “Melly, we’ve talked about this. There are better ways to deal with your anger than violence. It won’t solve anything!”
PM: “B-but they mean! They said Ah was a dirty pig!”
C: “You don’t have to listen to them! Come here, let me fix your mane.”
PM: sits in front of Rara at the mirror
C: “Look in the mirror, Melly. What do you see?”
PM: raspberries “A no-good dirty pig like them others say…”
C: “That’s what they say. You don’t have to listen to them! We are all born superstars, Melly.” continues brushing her mane
PM: “Even them mean fillies and colts?”
C: “…Yes. But their stars don’t get to shine as brightly because they may not have a loving family like you. Do you understand?”
PM: “Yeah, but they ain’t got no right t’ treat m’like dirt!”
C: “You can learn to rise above that. Just hold your head up, ignore the bullies, and you’ll go far.”
PM: “Ah’ll go far? Like y’all?”
C: “Of course! Just stay true to yourself, like your Ma told me to many years ago.”
PM: “Okay, Mummy, Ah’ll try mah best!”
C: “Good! I love you, Melly.” starts singing “You’re beautiful in your way, nature makes no mistakes, you’re on the right track, baby, you were born this way~”
PM: sings along “Won’t hide mahself in regret, Ah’ll love mahself ‘n’ Ah’m set, Ah’m on the right track, Mummy, Ah was born this way!”
C: chuckles “Don’t you feel better now, Melly?”
PM: “Yep! Ah’m gonna love mahself and nopony c’n stop me!”