Race: Unicorn
Job: Oracle (ORC)
Sub-Job: None
Weapon Type: Tarot Cards
Hometown: ???
Residence: Ponyville
Eris Chord is a disguised Discord, the god of Chaos himself. He’s disguised like this to mask his identity after escaping from indefinite petrified imprisonment. HIs last reign over a millennia ago saw all the lands dipping into utter confusion and pure chaos, turning everything on its head if they were lucky. Weather, gravity, time, even life were all but toys to him to play as he saw fit. It was a wonderful time, but the Princesses of the Sun and Moon had to put an end to his debauchery.
As much as he loved simply distorting the world around him, he had to take some subtle actions after being freed lest he be found before he had any fun. With his disguise, he was able to walk through Canterlot undetected by the common folk. He knew that the two sisters felt him escape, but so long as he was Eris, they would only know he was somewhere. His presence was too vague to pinpoint. He did his research by conjuring up all the facts and figures he needed about the current ruling Alicorns while searching the Canterlot Library. What he found was that Celestia herself wasn’t as strong as she used to be, and had a student that furthered her ideals while walking her own path. He very quickly understood his goal. He had to break her into being a non threat.
He used his disguise to join the ranks of the Warriors for some quests they had taken. Her role as an Oracle made all her spells as devastating as they were unpredictable. She would call upon the forces of nature and beyond, but they were slow to respond (at least that’s what he made it look like). When the spell did activate, it would be indiscriminate on friend or foe. Since her allies knew that Eris’ spells could cause some friendly damage, they would always brace themselves to dodge the attack the best they could. Because they understood, to their knowledge, that she wasn’t trying to injure her friends, they all trusted her. Unfortunately she used that trust to manipulate the Warriors slowly before gaining enough ground to betray them without a backlash and reveal his true self.
Discord utilized his sharp wit to wedge all the Warriors apart while making the world more suitable for his taste. He almost succeeded as well, but in his fervor he undisguised while gloating his own victory. Celestia and Luna instantly knew where he was, and while they were no match for his raw power after all these years, they knew they had to bring the girls back together to win. After calming down the centerpiece of the Warriors, Twilight, they were able to slowly heal the damage that Discord had done. It wasn’t long after that that he was imprisoned yet again in stone.
However, it would also be not long after that that he be released. There was an inherent need for Chaos to thrive if the Order the Princesses represented existed. With this in mind, The Princesses asked Twilight and company to do the impossible, reform Chaos incarnate. Strangely, the best Warrior for the job was Fluttershy. She exhibited amazing tolerance against Discord’s attempts to wedge her from her friends, and this was before her skills as a Beastmaster would be useful. So she reluctantly took the job to reform Discord. It took quite a bit of time and a bit of patience testing, but she was able to befriend and tame (in a behavior sense) him. This unusual friendship between the two often involves tea parties. When he acclimated enough to having a friend, she asked him to assist them as Eris if he wanted. He had some worries since his Eris ego actually couldn’t control who it hit, but she told him not to worry since they have already adjusted to her kind of unique talents.
Chaos Tarot - A deck of tarot cards of unknown origin. When Eris first joined Warriors, she demonstrated the amazing ability to “predict” natural disasters. She uses her deck to “predict” what is to come, but the cost is that she has no control over helping or hurting her allies or enemies (so she says). It was all the luck of the draw…or so they thought. Whenever something bad happened to her allies, they were too caught up in the chaos to note the manic smile and silent cackle she made, nor did they even notice that her deck was ever rarely used as a catalyst until it was too late.
Crown of Horns - A crown used to hold her hair in place. The crown holds an ivory texture, smooth to the touch. In all the time she partied with the Warriors, she has never removed it. After her eventual post defeat rehabilitation, she hands Fluttershy this crown as an equipment piece after temporarily taking this form again. She can just make another one or take that one back wherever, whenever, and whyever she wants.