Teary eyed and crying, Clover explains what happened in full detail, not sparing a moment’s memory from what happened. Clover begging not to be punished, Shores glares at the filly while Silverwind sighs.
“Y’know… I thought this wouldn’t happen, but it’s hard to keep a unicorn in the brig. Clover, calm down. We’re not gonna toss you off the ship. Sunny, go take care of Sabre. Me and Clover need a private chat.”
Sunny gives an exhausted groan, trotting into the kitchen.
“By the Gods, she wasn’t kidding!” Sunny shouts, as Silver motions Clover to follow. He leads her down the stairs, into the somewhat brighter storage. It seems that with Sabre knocked out, the evil has dispersed.
“Alright… None of the other crew knows this, so I’m going to have to ask you to keep it secret, okay? Well, except Sunny.” He says, digging into a storage crate, pulling out a fresh towel. “Sabre… well, he’s enthralled by a vampire.”
A vampire?
“A real vampire. At least, it’s what I can tell. I didn’t know until just recently, when he started to go into… withdrawal. That’s what you saw. It happened about a week after we left port.”
This is all quite a bit for a little filly to digest. A vampire? It would explain the shadows from his eyes, at the very least.
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