Shaking his head, Emerald asks what sort of bad things she’s done.
Joyride looks at Emerald, and the colt is surprised to see a flash of worry go across her face. it was so fast Emerald isn’t even quite sure he saw it.
“Oh, this and that.” Joyride says recovering.
Emerald feels like he might have hit a nerve with that question. Emerald instead asks if maybe he can get a compass like Hope has that points to her.
“That’s actually a really good idea.” Joyride says with a grin, “With all the times I have to save your butt it’s probably best if I had something that would help you find me quickly. Seriously, remind me about it when we hit a big city. Those things aren’t that difficult to make.”
The colt nods and smiles. He then asks why she gave one to Hope in the first place.
“I was hoping I could win her over with a fake gesture of romance. You know, ‘this compass will point to your true love’ or something of the sort. Thought I’d fool her easy, but she saw through it pretty quick. She’s probably too used to my tricks. Teased her too much when she was a kid.” Joyride says with a laugh, “I let her keep it because like I said, they aren’t too difficult to make and it may have come in handy in case she needed me.”
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