“That, little one, is called an orgasm. It’s a magical thing that stallions have the hardest time giving us.” She says with a chuckle.” It’s what happens when somepony rubs you all the right ways. When they do that, it’s called sex. Heh… I can’t help myself around fillies. I love teaching them what an amazing thing sex is~” She licks her lips, giving the foal a dopey grin. “Maybe tomorrow you can give me an orgasm myself, huh? Ooh… that definitely sounds fun.”
Clover is a bit confused; all of this is new to her, and she feels weird in a pleasant way. She yawns, asking about Shanty’s history. It was the deal after all.
“Tell you what. You look tired, honey button. How about we find you a comfy hammock and toss you in, and I’ll tell you an amazing bedtime story.”
Clover nods and follows the mysterious mare up to the living quarters, where most of the hammocks seem to be in use. Shanty helps Clover into the swinging sheet, the gentle lull of the boat rocking her softly.
“Once upon a time, in the magical land of drunkards and taverns, there was a beautiful mare with the talent for singing and stripping…”
Clover listens in, Shanty taking a red blanket off of a hook and tossing it over her, tucking it in…
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