Joyride snickers and rolls her eyes.
Emerald looks away for a second to make sure Ruby isn’t nearby, and then asks if Joyride has any books that might help him improve his performance. it’s been a while since he’s seen Hope and he wants to make it count.
“Whoa there, lil’ perv. Gonna jump her bones right when you get there are ya?” Joyride says laughing, “Wouldn’t have expected that from you. Unfortunately I don’t have any of those kind of books on me at the moment no, but maybe if you are really nice I’ll give you some pointers tonight.”
Joyride gives a heavy wink, and Emerald honestly isn’t sure how to feel about that. He is pretty sure she is kidding. He thinks anyway.
Brushing that aside, Emerald asks what kind of weapon she designed.
“I helped him and his team develop the spell runes for the artillery crystal and the dweomeric power generator that runs the systems on the BB Type-51. It’s a siege engine like nothing that’s existed quite yet. I think this is the first war that they’ve really been rolled out on, and you have probably heard how quickly it turned the tide.” Joyride says with a nod.
Emerald asks what Hope’s mom was like.
“A lot like her, to be honest. In fact almost exactly the same except for the mane and fur color. Same color eyes though.” Joyride says with a shrug.
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