
This is a background asset for what I’m making For NATG day 2 (yeah, behind already :q). Still WIP, but felt like uploading something so today doesn’t feel like a complete failure, and thought this could work.
If you’re familiar with Earth at all, you’ll recognize this isn’t it. This is Equus, based off of the picture of it in Celestia’s throne room >>265542 (which shows a heliocentric model, btw, in literally every single episode’s opening) and loosely based off of the canon map of Equestria >>1067179 (though now I just realized I made the badlands/desert extend all the way to the coast when it doesn’t. Derp.)
Anyways, the continent west of the island is the one Equus is on - just north of the great desert.
And please don’t say it’s not pony related. I don’t know how the Pony’s homeworld could not be pony related :p


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