“Hello! Gosh, you’re adorable. I could just hug you to bits!” The mare says with a wide smile.
“Heeey! I’m False Flag. I’m banned from the Crows Nest!” He says, as if it’s a badge of honor. With a name like that, you’d wonder why.
“This is Hook-Hook, please, give them some privacy.” Tide says, nudging him.
“Remember last time we did that? We could feel the boat shake from our quarters.” Hook retorts, trying to view up into large bucket.
Highwind rolls his eyes, before scooping up the filly with a hoof and setting her on his back.
“Alright scumbags, back to work! We need to get moving. Sea Wind, Salt Lick, stop fighting.”
“Not my fault Salt is a snooty bastard.” The young stallion says, huffing through his nose.
Clover asks what he has planned for her, why she shouldn’t talk to Saber, what’s he doing to rats, and how long until they land in Vanhoover.
“Today, Lil’ One, you’re gonna learn to take care of yourself. Saber has some kind of sickness about him; something about some mare he ran into at port. And about meat… well, let’s just say that he has a call to nature that only a mare can satisfy. I need you to avoid him, especially when I’m busy, got it?”
They enter the cabin and Clover finds herself deposited on a couch. Highwind steps over to a chest and pops it open, shuffling through it. “Now, tell me. What sounds like you… a big warrior, a stealthy rogue, or a magical wizard? Or maybe you have something else in mind?” He says, turning to look at Clover from the box.
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