“Unless you want someone to be watching I ain’t going to force you to have anyone else there.” Joyride says with a wink.
Emerald says that he has something else to tell her, and asks her to lean in close. When she does he juts both of his hooves forward in an attempt to get a double boop in.
However Joyride pulls back just in time. She grins and Emerald and with a pointing hoof says,
“Hey, fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.”
Emerald puffs his cheeks out at her, and then asks if he could have gotten with Uictoria if he played his cards right. She wanted to “interrogate” him privately before she butted in.
“Yeah probably. Uictoria has a rather unique form of interrogation. We just don’t look alike, me and her.” Joyride says, her grin deepening as she looks at Emerald.
There is a polite cough from the other side of the table, and Emerald and Joy turn to see disgusted confusion on the Zebra’s face, and an embarrassed concern on the pony.
Emerald quickly changes the subject and asks if Hope will be okay on the way back to camp.
“Maybe? Who knows? She’s a bit silly but when she puts her hoof down she follows through. She has her family’s backing as well I’m sure. It’s not as big of a deal with the Order, but it might get her some leeway.” Joyride says with a shrug.
Ruby appears from the doorway, rubbing her eyes. She clearly just woke up and smelled the food like Emerald. She still has really bad bed head… Or wait, maybe that’s how it always is.
Ruby sits down and begins eating. She asks where Hope went, and then pouts slightly when she finds out that the mare has already left.
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