“Kind of. She’s not like, unconscious or anything, but her senses are duller and it’d take her a few seconds to react to anything.” Joyride says, looking up from her book.
Emerald asks how her and Lord Sepulcher’s talk went yesterday.
“It was nice catching up. I didn’t even know that old coot was still alive, much less around these parts.” Joyride says with her grin.
Emerald asks what they talked about more directly.
“Oh, his projects and what he’s been up too recently. When I heard about the comics I thought he went off his rocker, but he’s still keeping up with his magic work kind of.”
Emerald waits for anything about his amulet, but she either didn’t talk about it or doesn’t want to say anything about it.
Emerald shifts back and forth between his hooves, and then asks if he can speak to Joyride privately.
“Uh, okay?” Joyride says, closing her book and joining Emerald. The colt walks them up top the watchtower. It’s the only place he can be sure no one is listening in.
Joyride looks at the colt questioningly and says, “Well, what’s up lil’ perv?”
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