I’m kind of going out of order with these characters. I’ll get to the Mane 6 whenever.
I put Scoots with crutches as a nod to her having difficulty learning to fly. So, like, the human version of mobility issues, I guess? I also wanted to make it a little ambiguous as to whether she’ll ever get to a point where she won’t need them anymore. I imagine this version of Scoots is undergoing physiotherapy after an accident (with Rainbow Dash supporting her, of course). Maybe pony-Scootaloo will one day fly. and maybe this Scootaloo will one day walk without aid. Who knows?
(By the way, I REALLY want a Scootaloo episode that either ends with her making progress with flying and showing she was just a late-bloomer, or having her come to terms with the fact that she’ll never get off the ground.)