As requested by Enjoy!A small get-together is held welcoming the Crystal Prep ShadowBolts to Canterlot High, despite both schools not showing much of a liking, giving mean looks and just standing there. However, some students have began talking to one another. Some of them being Upper Crust of Crystal Prep and a student of Canterlot. They talked about their teachers, assignments, events, friends, and the Friendship Games overall. Upper Crust then tells the student how much of a pain it has been at Crystal Prep recently and asks how it must be like at Canterlot. The students says that going here is not that bad, rather simple and ordinary days with a few exceptions. The student makes a joke that Upper Crust can transfer to Canterlot High with Crust jokingly responding that she wishes she could, but doesn’t have the time. To ease her in, the student takes a little watch from the back pocket and tells Crust to stare at it swinging back and forth, placing her into a hypnotic trance. The student tells the entranced ShadowBolt to transfer to Canterlot High and she blissfully agrees to do so. She is told that even after she is taken out of the trance, she will still do what is told. The student’s fingers snap, bringing Upper Crust back to normal, though she still has the idea of transferring. The two notice that the Games are starting and they separate, saying their goodbyes and best of luck towards each other. Criticism/requests welcome Upper Crust-Hasbro
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