The stallion seems satisfied by this, and Emerald then steers the colt around a corner away from the eyes of the other ponies.
“Jeez, would’ja stop pushin’?” The red maned colt says, slapping Emerald’s hooves away.
The colt then reaches under his shirt and pulls out and apple and says, “Thanks for that by the way. I don’t usually get caught by that idiot but I got unlucky this time.”
The colt takes a bite of the apple, and then looking at Emerald says, “Oh sorry, wanna bite?”
Emerald says no thanks.
“Suit yerself.” He says, taking another bite, “Hey, my names Ruby, what’s yours?”
Emerald gives him the name Sapphire, knowing better than to trust anyone with his name after the Shock Top incident.
“Nice to meet’cha. Sorry you had to pay for my apple. Hey, I know! I’ll show ya something really cool in exchange, but you gotta promise not to tell anyone else m’kay?”
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