I’m working on my animatic video.
It’s inspired by Ink Potts, so It’s gonna be similar to their videos.
I don’t mean to copy them, and I won’t be featuring any of the canon ponies in the video, like they do, but I still feel like it’s fair to give them credit. (link to their channel’s below)
I’ll be posting some more sneak peeks, as well as reveal the release date, musical and song I’ll be using, later, so follow me here, or on any other of my social media(links below) if you wanna be updated.
Social media:
Facebook - www.facebook.com/RenLemur
DeviantArt - http://masterofcheeseaster.deviantart.com/
Tumblr - renlemur.tumblr.com/
Twitter - twitter.com/renlemur
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCox_QKZjSryBsog02YJDVWA
Ink Potts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwceSpbMQfbuiPmGSJTRhGQ