“I like whatever will end the fight the soonest. Most things can’t handle just raw magical power shot at them, so that’s pretty easy to do. Lightning projection and giant fireballs are also pretty fun.” Joyride says with another shrug.
Emerald asks her what she thinks of the war.
“Two more idiot countries fighting over land and resources. What else is new? Someone will win, someone else will rise up and declare war on them, etc. etc… It’s all pretty boring, though admittedly…” She says, grinning wide at Emerald, “Depending on what businesses you can get in, it can be quite… profitable!” her grin got a little wider.
Emerald isn’t sure what to say to that, so just gives a half smile to Joyride. Emerald notices that Ruby hasn’t said much, and she seems quite content on eating her burrito. Emerald asks if she likes it.
“Yeah!” She says with her mouth stuffed full, “I’ve never cooked something like this before!”
Emerald asks where she learned how to cook.
“Ehhh… When I went in with my last roomies they said I could stay only if I could make myself useful. We agreed on cooking and cleaning, and I just learned trail by fire style, sometimes almost literally!” Ruby says half shocked and half amused, “But yeah, I’m not really that great to be honest. I only know how to do the basic stuff, plus some baking.”
Emerald asks about Ruby’s past.
“Not much to say. I hardly remember any of it to be honest.” Ruby says, looking down at her food and scratching her cheek.
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