I know I know stereotypical PinkyPierce NextGen that’s a tattoo artist, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I LOVE THIS LITTLE GUY
This is Dinky Ink! He’s the son of Pokey Pierce and Pinkie Pie. Ink is a small stallion, only about the size of a small adult mare. As a foal, he loved to draw. His parents assumed he’d go into the art world, and they were partially right. Along with his best friend and tattoo partner Dazzle (I’ll draw her soon), they started a tattoo parlor. In Equestria, tattoos aren’t in high demand because Cutie Marks are already a distinguishing thing, but there are ponies who want a little art along with the proclamation of talent. Tattooing for ponies is a mixture of branding and color magic. Ink does the branding part, while Dazzle works with color. There’s not really any health risks with the tattoos, other than the color magic could turn your blood colors if you get more than two or three. Not harmful, but you may scare some ponies if you get a scrap and bleed green and yellow.
Ink is very sweet and encouraging; he’s a good salespony and helps the low pain-tolerance ponies through tattooing.
So… Yeah. INK. LOVE HIM.