“Um… I think I’m full, actually”
Stargazer’s smiles twitches.
“No need to be shy dear! It’s a cold evening and soon it will be a cold night.”
Emerald is seriously starting to feel uncomfortable. He glances around. If he darted back around the wagon or behind some bushes he doubted that the unicorn could catch him or blast him with any magic, but Emerald isn’t 100% percent sure on that.
Stalling for time, Emerald tips the bowl towards his mouth, but keeps it tightly pursed. After a second he lowers the bowl, and Stargazer’s smile has returned. Emerald quickly asks what she sells.
“Oh, various knick-knacks and thing-amajigs. Antiques, potions, books… Whatever I can get my hooves on really.” http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
Emerald then asks about her magical prowress.
“I’m no more magical than any other Unicorn, my dear.” Is all she says with another big smile, “Now drink up, before the stew gets cold!”
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