“Oh, just a traveling sales-mare trying to make her way in the world.” Stargazer says dismissively, “But I’m more concerned about you my dear. Where are your parents? Aren’t they worried about you?”
Emerald gazes down at his hooves, but doesn’t answer.
After a brief moment, Emerald notices his bowl is being lifted into the air again and Stargazer says, “Ah, my apologies. I didn’t mean to bring up anything painful. Would you like some more stew, my dear?”
Emerald nods, and trying to change the subject asks where the nearest town is.
“I just came from Trotton to the NORTH, you might be able to see it from here.” Stargazer says pointing a hoof.
Emerald Jewel glances hopefully up the road, but even with the path well illuminated by the fire all you see is trees and road ending in inky blackness. You feel a bump at your hooves and see a bowl of stew before you.
“Drink up my dear, before it gets cold!”
>Perception check
>Rolled 3, passed
You see an old gleam in the Unicorn’s eyes for a second as you pick up the bowl. You aren’t sure why, but it makes you feel a bit wary.
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