Artist’s Note:
OMG THIS EPISODE MANNNN… AAAAAAAAA… OH MY GOD I SCREAMED WHEN IT HAPPENED!! IT TOOK THEM 5 FREEKIN SEASONS!!! finally…. But I think I know what their cutie marks mean (we all know the main talent, helping ponies find their true selves).Scootaloo- The wing represents flying OR the lack of the ability to fly. The Lightning bolt represents that she is fast on the scooter?Apple Bloom- Apple, duh. The heart represents her kindness and friendship towards othersSweetie Belle- The star represents her having the potential of being a star or somepony famous and the music note represents her singing talent.And the shield is their logo! Remember their capes! Yeah… same shape and stuff. They all have the same cutie marks with their own talent included! It means they will have a friendship that will never break. It may also represent that their talent is helping others find theirs.Do you agree? I loved this episode though!! Bye!~
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