English version :
name : Pencil
beauty brand : a sheet and a pencil
race : vampire pony
hair : white
eyes : purple
sister : Photo finish
like : draw , sing , purple , mushrooms , black , red , pineapple , the rain, Red fruit tea , dubstep , rock, jazz , contry , the star and the magic .
hate : pink , coffee , the noise , the hot season , the crowd , be noticed .
character : timid , creative , negative (often drops) , Playful and naughty .
history :
Pencil is a very shy pony. Always hidden, she likes to make them happy ponies draw thing wherever she goes, discreet manner.
She has obtained her beauty mark at end of year show is school. She had 24 hours to create a peeled on the theme of haloween .
when his side was the vampire she since she wanted to pick mushrooms in the forest Everfree.
love : luna guard
enemy ; trixi and flim & flam
thme Pencil : no