Ol’ Sharp Nails : Know once with the name of Rubin Nails, Ol’ Sharp Nails is the Hellhound owner of Bark at the moon radio station.
Scarred Bolt and Harpooned Hoof : This two raiders are an old of Bone Saw. Scarred Bolt is a fast and deadly mare, harpooned Hoof is her sochopathyc right hoof .
Second Row :
The Snowflakes : Inhabitants of Stable 192, they are the fail success of Project Tenacity, a Stable tec. project for creating almost indestructible soldiers to use after the war. The Snowflakes seems immune to almost everything ( poison, wounds, pink clouds, even aging is slowed ), except for fire .
Broken Horn : Melting Cog’s right hoof . She lost her horn by Melting himself, after the latter had captured her.