Custom Slave
Any specie, gender and body types welcome<3
♠ Only serious offers, please.
♥ Paypal USD only ♪
♥ Any specie, gender, race, etc -Dragons and everything are welcome ♪
♥ I usually contact my clients when the auction is over via ! BUT if you can’t do that, email me here;
Or contact me in your prefered way <3 Check “Contact” section below.
♥ 5$ Simple colors
♥ 15$ Complex Shade ♥
♥ 20$ NSFW Version/modifications ♥
♥ 30$ You’ll get both versions in complex shading ♥
♥ 40$ Heavy fetish modifications, no limits, don’t be shy!
♥ 80$ All of the above, and two customs outfits of your choosing!
♥ 100$ All of the above, and a detailed background of your desire OR a comic page of 4 panels featuring one or two of your oc’s