My Disletia Kid Prince Ikilik (It means Duality or double in )
And here is his Bio
Prince Ikilik
Full Name: Ikilik
Nicknames: Kili.
Parents: Celestia and Discord
Age: 25
Ikilik is the first born in the royal family, but wants to have siblings.
He was born on a Friday 13th, so in the day of his birth was a great streak of bad luck. Celestias personal doctor was sick and Luna was away doing some royal business in Saddle Arabia. Celestia had to give birth with only Discord by her side, and he was a nervous wreck.
His mother was having some serious trouble, her magic was been unstable, and so Discord had to control his wife powers as well as their little offsprings.
Ikilik was born completely black, crating different and dangerous types of magic randomly. Discord (because Celestia was too weak to do it herself) had to contain all the little colt magic, fearing that he could harm himself.
Discord came up with the name Ikilik, because after all the black (caused from the huge amount of magic the little colt had) washed out, it showed a two toned grey coat, divided exactly by the middle of his body.
Discord would not return his magic till Ikilik was 5, and they discovered that even without any visible horns his magic had a glow when holding object. He is a natural and has both types of magic. Harmonic and Chaotic, when using each type of magic, his coat would change as well. Dark grey for the chaotic magic and a lighter grey almost white when performing harmonic magic.
Ikilik has some troubles when comes to his personality, as well as his magic, he has a dual personality. He is mischievous and random, as well as caring and compassionate. He cant help it, sometimes he feels he has two souls in a body and that confuses him a lot.
Both of his sides have common grounds like the love of his family. When his white side is more like a perfect little saint, his gray part is protective and violent when his love ones are in danger.
Another common ground is the desire of been a good heir to his mother, or the fact that he would love to have tons of little brothers and sisters.
He has a temper, he is quite easy to enrage and it is not easy to calm him down. When angry his mane gets pointy and if you touch it, you could get petrified because the force making it pointy and stiff id his magic in pure state.
His body physically is also parted. His right part of his body is like a normal pony Pegasus, but the left is like a draconequs, with a bat wing, a dragon paw and a lion paw.