Now, at least Garble, unlike Diamond Tiara or Myrtle only appeared in ONE EPISODE, but still….
His voice may not be bad to the ears like some characters, and his design is pretty cool, but still, he picks on Spike for his size with his friends, constantly tries to embarrass and hurt poor little Spike, he’s a generic bully - but at least he has SOME constructive creativity unlike some one dimensional bullies I’ve seen (like the ones in Stephen King’s It… they’re TERRIBLY written…. :x)
But, to make him even worse, he and his friends convince Spike to ATTACK A NEST OF PHOENIXES, and when the PARENTS FLEE THEIR CHICKS, Garble threatens to EAT the poor phoenix chicks! :rage:
And I don’t really think this guy gets the justice he deserves in the episode…. Again, at least we only see him ONCE in the whole series… But I REALLY despise how cruel this guy is…….
Perhaps if he came up against Spike when he grows huge in that one episode when he becomes incredibly greedy… Perhaps Spike could EAT Garble, showing him who the REAL wimp is… :evillaugh: