Sweetie Belle: The water dances, the waves jump; Water Ninja, Hurricane Blue!
Applebloom: The ground quivers, the flowers bloom; Land Ninja, Hurricane Yellow!
Diamond Tiara: The crimson lightning; Horned Ninja, Kabuto Raiger!
Silver Spoon: The azure thunderclap; Fanged Ninja, Kuwaga Raiger!
Pipsqueak: I am Ninja of Ninja. The luminous green bullet; Heavenly Ninja, Shurikenger - arrived!
Diamond Tiara: The darkness I face, the darkness I slice!
Silver Spoon: The light I face, the light I slice!
Both: Gouraigers, at lightning speed - arrived!
Scootaloo: Unknown to the ponies.
Sweetie Belle: Unknown to the world.
Applebloom: Striking at evil from the midst of shadows!
Scootaloo: Ninpuu Sentai…
All 3: Hurricanger!
Scootaloo: …has arrived!