1st Gen
Soarin and Twilight
-The parents of Sea Fair and Velvet Dancer
-Married at 24(Twilight) and 28 (Soarin)
Troubleshoes and Twilight
-The parents of Sinbad
-Married at 19(Twilight) and 26(Troubleshoes)
-Divorced at (22)Twilight and 28(Troubleshoes)
-Divorced 1 year after Sinbad’s birth
Troubleshoes and Derpy
-Parents of Milk Dud and Dinky
-Married at 30(Troubleshoes) and 26(Derpy)
-After marriage, Troubleshoes adopted Dinky
Derpy and Blueblood
-Parents of Diadem
-Never married, their daughter was the result of a one night stand when Derpy was 25 and Blueblood was 26
Blueblood and Moondancer
-Parents of Sun Bleached and Dawn Flicker
-Married at 22(Moondancer) and 27(Blueblood)
2nd Gen
NG-Reset: Sea Fair
-The middle child of Twilight’s kids.
-A pegasus whose talents lie in being a life guard, this pony practically lives in the water
Velvet Dancer
-The youngest of Twilight’s children
-A pegasus with a talent for Chakra reading and healing
-The oldest of Twilight’s children
-A unicorn who has a talent for thievery, he hides his cutie mark by covering it up with makeup, everyone thinks he’s a blank flank
Milk Dud
-The only child of Derpy and Troubleshoes, out of all of his half siblings, he is the youngest
-An earth pony with a unique talent, his talent is being clumsy, but the things he does always turns into a good thing. (basically, think bad luck that always has a good outcome)
Dinky Doo
-The oldest of Derpy’s children
-A unicorn with a talent for sensing romantic feelings
-The oldest of Blueblood’s kids, and the middle child of Derpy’s kids
-A unicorn who has a talent for Diplomacy
Sun Bleached
-The eldest of Blueblood and Moondancer’s kids, elder twin to Dawn Flicker
-A unicorn who has a talent for mane styling
Dawn Flicker
-The youngest of Blueblood and Moondancer’s kids, younger twin to Sun Bleached
-A unicorn who has a talent for treasure hunting