“Everyone okay?” Spike yelled to the other two dragons, eyes clenched and dripping wet, still trying to recover from the disastrous ordeal they had just experienced.
“Im alive, but barely!” Sharp yelled back, clinging to a rock in the middle of the lake, also quite shaken up.
“Yeah, Im good too,” Magma responded. He was more composed than the other two, and had taken the rough beating rather well all things considered. “What the heck was that about?” he asked while swimming towards Spike at the edge of the pool.
“Apparently your quarry isnt as sturdy as you are Magma,” Spike jokingly responded. “Guess the foundation couldnt take all the stress after being weakened by magic explosions. Why would you even have a quarry located over a hollow cave?
“Hey!” Magma snapped back, I didnt do it on purpose, how was I supposed to know what was under there?
“Fine, fine,” Spike responded dismissively. “Whats over is done with, more importantly, where are we right now?” Spike asked curiously, gazing around the cavern they had landed themselves in.
The cavern had a high ceiling with cliff ledges; the walls were slightly jagged but still smooth by the looks of things. There were a few tunnels leading in and out of the cavern, but they led only into darkness. The only light source for the cavern came from a large crystal formation, which glowed a soft florescent blue hue. Spike looked back into the lake; the waterfall had been clogged up with boulders from the avalanche, with small streams of water making its way through the cracks. The lake was deep enough that he couldnt stand in it, but not so deep that he couldnt make out the bottom. He glanced over to see Sharp swimming towards the edge from the center, with what looked to be Spikes backpack. Spike sighed with relief as it sure was fortunate that it had landed here with them, and that he was not stuck underground without his supplies.
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