So yeah this was a weird little comic. I wanted to try something with Lyra and Bon Bon ever since the Slice of Life EP but I knew I wouldn’t get to it till the off-season or in this case the S5 break. :D Looking back….I don’t think in 4 years I have EVER done a comic with these 2 in one. That is really weird but hell I am happy to buck that streak and the fact I got a filly comic out of this is even better. I will say this I do get a kick how occasionally I will get people like there’s too many bushes or foresty or stuff like that. I just like adding depth to these BGs unlike in the show. IDK I just feel like I picked up something from watching too much Bob Ross over the years and wanting more depth in BGs and stuff…….Soooooooo….why not. :boogie:
Anyway I really don’t have much to say on this comic….IDK if I ever saw a comic where it involved one of these 2 breaking benches….although it’s kind of amusing the route I decided to do on this one. ;P So now that I am back on my usual trend I think this is gonna be quite fun. Amazingly I have enough stuff and material to last till S5 restarts which is HEAVILY rumored to be Oct 17…….right when I gotta make Wereluna stuff again.”