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ONE MILLION FRIENDS??? That’s exciting!! I’m excited!! I’m so excited I could PARTY!! — Pinkie Pie
Hey everypony, My Little Pony now has more than ONE MILLION FRIENDS on Facebook—with millions more friends to be made through Season 6 and beyond!! Thank you for being our friend. Share this image with your friends—and see if you ponies can name all of the characters!!

safe2262478 aloe3247 amethyst star2937 angel bunny11677 apple bloom64463 applejack212566 auntie applesauce346 babs seed6793 berry punch7557 berryshine7515 big daddy mccolt111 big macintosh35654 blossomforth1698 bon bon19829 boysenberry223 braeburn7379 bulk biceps3870 buzzsaw mccolt42 carrot top6171 cheerilee11788 cheese sandwich5146 cherry jubilee1289 chickadee960 chief thunderhooves311 cloudchaser4284 coco pommel7602 coloratura3716 cookie crumbles1482 cranky doodle donkey1228 crosscut mccolt45 daisy2919 daring do7428 derpy hooves60194 diamond tiara12954 discord39156 dj pon-334667 doctor caballeron913 doctor whooves11907 donut joe928 double diamond1936 dumbbell755 fancypants2593 featherweight1429 fido603 filthy rich1334 flam2498 fleetfoot2693 flim2621 flitter3461 flower wishes2773 fluffy clouds74 fluttershy274355 gallop j. fry249 garble2243 gilda11902 golden harvest6171 goldengrape709 goldie delicious435 grampa gruff486 granny smith6223 greenhoof hooffield15 greta486 gummy5801 gustave le grande275 hacksaw mccolt46 half baked apple163 hammerhead mccolt27 hayseed turnip truck288 hilly hooffield66 hoity toity1177 hondo flanks693 hoops508 igneous rock pie1179 iron will1479 jet set534 king sombra18161 late show22 lemon hearts2584 lightning dust5548 lily2397 lily longsocks481 lily valley2410 limestone pie6719 little red171 little strongheart930 lord tirek6799 lotus blossom3363 lyra heartstrings35927 ma hooffield73 marble pie9027 mare do well1084 matilda608 maud pie15791 mayor mare4096 minuette7125 moondancer6539 moonlight raven564 ms. harshwhinny2936 ms. peachbottom962 mulia mild151 night glider1581 octavia melody29001 on stage54 opalescence2456 owlowiscious2260 party favor1755 philomena1251 photo finish3121 pinkie pie271452 pipsqueak3428 pokey pierce1605 pound cake3198 prim hemline200 prince blueblood4752 prince rutherford891 princess cadance43516 princess celestia119504 princess luna124310 pumpkin cake2919 quarterback215 queen chrysalis45068 rainbow dash296353 randolph107 rarity230465 raspberry beret100 roseluck6460 rover1109 sapphire shores1191 sassy saddles1414 scootaloo62488 score263 sea swirl1888 seabreeze571 seafoam1873 sheriff silverstar276 shining armor29943 silver shill199 silver spoon8635 sir colton vines iii708 smooze912 snails5905 snips4685 soarin'18791 sparkler2779 spike96228 spitfire16517 spoiled rich1605 spot534 stardom24 starlight glimmer63866 steven magnet625 stormy flare334 sugar belle3864 sunshine smiles317 sunshower raindrops2512 super funk192 suri polomare1515 svengallop464 sweetie belle60709 sweetie drops19828 tank3276 thunderlane5160 toe-tapper281 torch song275 tree hugger3637 trixie83234 trouble shoes1462 trowel hooffield13 twilight sparkle374210 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152299 twinkleshine2725 upper crust790 vinyl scratch34730 whoa nelly304 wind rider283 winona3037 zecora11763 alicorn429905 breezie2880 buffalo752 centaur4672 changeling82249 changeling queen42154 diamond dog4169 donkey2657 dragon114832 earth pony631339 griffon37449 minotaur1206 parasprite2301 pegasus699661 pony1928449 sea serpent226 unicorn690289 yak6088 zebra25656 do princesses dream of magic sheep1393 the hooffields and mccolts669 apple family member3436 applejack's hat14919 background pony11883 cake twins611 canterlot five22 canterlot six75 cape14807 clothes670557 cowboy hat26001 crankilda137 cutie mark crusaders23348 dreamworks face1126 equal four185 everypony421 eyes closed139341 fashion plate192 female1714247 flim flam brothers1479 flower40988 flower trio668 hat127428 headphones11530 headset mic141 hilarious in hindsight3049 hooffield family177 kiss on the cheek2726 kissing34105 lidded eyes48037 limestone is not amused25 looking at you280305 male515436 mane seven7867 mane six39314 mare926488 mccolt family248 method mares28 milestone1065 million7 mouth hold23605 my little pony logo6615 nightmare sunflower53 official15965 one eye closed46851 pie family357 pinkie being pinkie1562 ponies standing next to each other214 ponytones174 rara1296 rose5442 saw sisters16 shipping259929 shipping fuel2014 siblings26321 so much pony149 spa twins1631 stallion183677 straight183755 sunflower848 taffy tresses3 the dude42 thumbs up1412 trixie's cape5171 trixie's hat6278 turntable1390 twins3536 ushanka523 wall of blue48 wall of tags6067 wink33824


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