Nickname: Greeny, Rainbowflash, Flashie, Dashie Flash, Sparkle Green Flash
Talent: None yet! She is a Blank Flank.
Cutie Mark: ^
She loves sparkles and stars! She loves dressing up like her older sister Fluffy Puffy SoarinPie Sparkle. She is in love with Rainbowdash because she is her favorite pony and her number one fan. She can use magic without a horn. One day, she will be an Alicorn just like Twilightsparkle!
Name: Fluffy Puffy SoarinPie Sparkle
Nickname: Fluffly, Puffly, Sparklepie
Talent: Being cute!
Cutie Mark: It’s hidden below her thick pink fur, but it’s a huge smiley face with rainbows and a big sparkle.
She is the daughter of Pinkie Pie and Soarin. She loves pie and sparkles! She is in love with Discord and Discord is her boyfriend, but they;re in a complicated relationship because discord is good now and Fluffypuffy hates good boys :(
Bases are by selenaede. Please don’t steal my art or characters or I WILL REPORT YOU AND FIND YOU AND YOUR HOUSE AND I WILL EAT YOUR PETS