(aka Special #3)
In which Mr. Moochick provides help for his Dream Valley allies: Megan and the little ponies… but not before his usual hyperactive freak-out.
Mr. Moochick: “You’re from outside the Mushswamp, right?”
Megan: “Right, and the little ponies need your help!”
Mr. Moochick: “Not again!”
Fizzy: “You do remember!”
Mr. Moochick: “How could I forget?”
Wind Whistler: “You gave us the Rainbow of Light.”
Mr. Moochick: “It worked, I presume?”
Megan: “It worked great, but it’s gone now. The Smooze got it!”
Fizzy: “Do you have another one?”
Mr. Moochick: “Oh my, oh my, oh my, no, no, I’m sorry!”