Keep Your Apples CloserYou can’t send off 2013 without finishing your last piece of work, even if we’re talking an odd combination of bat and pony into one picture.
Yes you read that first sentence right, the recent episode from MLP called Bats has the character Fluttershy here being turned into a vampire pony, bat pony or whatnot. Its all quite fun, cute and very strange this crab can assure you. ^O^
And despite the rush to finish this pic before New Year’s Eve, this turned out to be one of the fastest pieces I’ve ever done going from start to end. That might not sound like much but its those little victories that do count the most. Do enjoy everybody! *tips hat*
Fluttershy © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Dec 31, 2013
Dec 31, 2013
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