Not all forms of abuse are merciless beatings or extreme negligence; sometimes fluffies in really good condition make it to the shelter. Today’s case is on of those: meet Bernard. Unlike most fluffies here his health is almost beyond perfect, to the relief of the on site veterinarians.
Bernard was found in a well equipped facility in a basement. No one in the apartment block seemed to know it was there. The place was clean to a fault and there were well arranged cages on one side, all of them empty save for Bernard’s. From the looks of the facility and the evidence found, he was bound to be a guinea pig for some kind of hairdressing products but no tests had been carried out on him, far as can be told.
He’s slightly smaller than regular fluffy ponies, but his fluff is much softer and a bit longer, a perfect albino if not for the barcode in his left side that we had determined is natural pigmentation, no dye or tattoo but somehow genetically encoded in Bernard (and who knows how many other fluffy ponies). How the genetic code works is beyond us.
What is most shocking about Bernard is not his intelligence, which is well above the other fluffies in the shelter, but a severe case of social awkwardness: whenever another fluffy pony hugs him he goes rigid and stiff and does not hug back in any case. Being able to speak perfectly well for a fluffy pony, he’s quiet and only speaks when spoken to and asked to respond. He also has a lack of reaction to toys or other playthings. Most curious of all, he dislikes spaghetti, fruit, vegetables, and fluffy kibble; the only thing he accepts as food so far is a very specific brand and flavor of generic Fluffy Chow. It is assumed that this was the brand he was fed during his entire life in the facility.
As a final note, we hereby encourage all readers not to buy any product that has been tested on animal subjects. Check for such things in the labels of the products.