Name: Banjo Strings
Nickname: Banjo, Stringy, BS
Gender: Male ( Trans Male )
Age: 14
Kind: Unicorn
Parents: Vinyl Scratch & Octavia
Banjo is a energetic pony who is always on the move, he likes to be doing something and he can get bored easily. He has zero patience and hates sitting around.
Banjo has a good relationship with his moms, he gets the personality with by his mom Vinyl but he does find ways to annoyed both parents and to push their buttons. They still love each other even with him constantly annoying them
Banjo String and Sweet Tooth are good friends, they like to do around things together and they like to be loud to harass each others parents.
Special Talent/Cutie Mark
Banjo’s cutiemark is playing string instruments like the banjo, guitar and many others. He enjoys playing them since he learned to grasp them very quickly at a young age.