“Mommy, I don’t like this ti-tiar- crown. Do I have to wear it?”
Name: Platinum Blossom
Parents: Diamond Tiara and Snails
Siblings: N/A
Bio: As a filly, Diamond Tiara raised her daughter pretty well, Although her mother was very young, She managed to do it. Diamond Tiara passed down her Tiara to her daughter to continue her legacy, only difference is… by this time her age, Diamond Tiara had her cutie mark. Platinum does not. Platinum was a blank flank for a very long time until her late middle/early high school years. Because of this, alot of the other fillies knew about Diamond Tiara and her success. Platinum was being bullied but never really spoke about it with her parents because of this. Platinum was always compared to her mother and Although she loved her mom, she didn’t like the filly her mom used to be. Platinum was fine with being a blank flank, but her mother and alot of other fillies disagreed. Over time she learns to accept herself and grows up to be a very well-known and loved pony~
Affiliations: CMC son’s, Silverspoon’s Son.
Fun Facts:
She’‘s a very kind and patient pony
She’s very quiet and shy
She doesn’t have much friends, but she is at most 4-6 years older than the new CMC (She foalsitted them a few times)
She gets along very well with the original CMC
Platinum and AppleBloom have thursday walks to talk about cutie mark anxiety.