And… here it is!My hand almost fell off when I finished this but now it’s better. It was great as a practice and reminded me the good old days of 100-Challenge. _
For a very long time I’ve had a strong feeling like most people don’t understand what introversion really means. Any time they see someone less social they think it’s an introvert. There are many guides already, nice ones, made for people, not horses. But since I only know how to draw a silly children’s cartoon (ok-ok, stop throwing stones at me, it’s just a joke!) I had to use my little Eri again.I still can’t believe there wasn’t a single carrot in the whole thing!
Um… yeah.I thought about making that comic in one LOOOOOOONG piece but PS warned me that files over 30k pixels at one side may cause chaos and destruction to the peaceful world of Equestria. So I chopped it! Into 3 pieces. When the three heroes find them all, they must touch them and say “let our powers combine!”. And… well, nothing will happen. NC will moan though.Anyway, enjoy. I’ll add some more thoughts under the last strip.
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