I drew this last week after seeing the movie- oh bOY DID A CERTAIN FIREWORKS SCENE STRIKE MY HEART FOR THESE TWO
I FELL IN LOVE IMMEDIATELYSo I could never for the life of me picture Princess Twilight with anyone originally (and thus was gonna have her just be a single don’t-need-no-romance princess in my own storyline), but oooooooh boy.
Here we go, no regretsI imagine that some time after the events of the movie, Princess Twilight finally created her own royal guard, and of course Tempest was immediately thought of for the position of guard captain. Tempest was pretty excited and grateful, getting to work near her dear friend whoshewastotallynotformingfeelingsforasthedayspassed. Over time these two just grew closer, admiring and supporting one another. Twilight didn’t know when the feelings hit her, but oh they hit her. But these two dorks, not exactly being in touch with romantic feelings, proceeded to awkwardly stumble around their feels. Too many (adorably) embarrassing moments to count, possibly over the length of two years or more.After a ridiculous amount of research and studying and practicing in a mirror, Twilight resolved to make that first move. Something precise, and perfect, yet stressful beyond belief. But in the end, Tempest had that way of making her feel comfortable, so with affection and newfound bravery, Twilight leaned into her friend and nuzzled the poor surprised and flustered mare.OOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, YEP.Twilight gained that princessy hair over the years man.
But yeah wowy I love these two and I need more of them.PS: In private or at least quietly, Twilight likes to playfully call Tempest “Fizzy”. u w u